3043097 Exhaust Manifold Gasket, Cummins® Genuine Parts, 100% OEM spec. Get a quick quote, Send us your list of part numbers and quantities today.
Part Number: 3043097
Part Name: Exhaust Manifold Gasket
Part Manufacturer: Cummins
Unit: Turbocharger Arrangement
Engines: B3.3 GTA38 ISC CM850 K19 K50 KTA19 G CMEICS K123 KTA19E G CMEICS K151G KTA19GC KTA19GC CM558 KTAA19 K131G N14 MECHANICAL QSK19 CM2150 K139M QSK19 CM2150 MCRS QSK19 CM2350 K105 QSK19 CM2350 K114 QSK19 CM2350 K144G QSK19 CM2450 K155G QSK19 CM500 QSK19 CM850 MCRS QSK19G QSK38 CM850 MCRS QSK50-DPM CM850 MCRS QSNT14 CM876 N103
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